Underground investigation on music affairs


Album review

Trees Speak

The desert of Arizona, vast and isolating, is renowned for its paradoxical blend of eerie silence and cosmic grandeur. Beneath its unrelenting sun and infinite night skies, black holes are mapped through a network of telescopes, and UFO sightings reach near-mythic proportions. It’s a landscape that invites introspection as much as mystery, blurring the lines between the vastness of outer space and the depths of inner space. With TimeFold, their sixth release on Soul Jazz Records, Trees Speak delve into this subtle realm where external worlds and inner psyches converge. The album feels as expansive as the cosmos and as intimate as a whispered thought—a sonic equivalent of the TARDIS: larger, stranger, and more complex inside than its external appearance suggests.

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Tempête Solaire

Alors que les scientifiques observent avec attention l'intensification des tempêtes solaires qui devraient atteindre leur apogée début 2025, un nouveau trio montréalais adopte ce phénomène comme nom et source d'inspiration. Le groupe montréalais Tempête Solaire réunit trois vétérans de la scène expérimentale : Eric Quach (thisquietarmy) à la basse 8 cordes, Eric Craven (Silver Mt. Zion) à la batterie et Elyze Venne-Deshaies (Ensemble déplacer d'l'air) au saxophone. Dans la lignée du groupe anarcho-mystico free rock de New-York Sunwatchers et du groupe psychédélique de space jazz apocalyptique de Londres The Comet is Coming, Tempête Solaire explore les zones d'interférence entre musique improvisée qui invite à la réflexion et structures rythmiques hypnotiques qui invitent à la danse.

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The Fleeting Light of Love and Grief

Formed around Lydia Wener, a multidisciplinary queer artist making her music debut, and Roy Vucino, a pillar of Montreal's punk, garage rock and experimental scene (PYPY, Red Mass), the Montréal-based duo has recently joined the up-and-coming instrumental label Popop (Anachnid, Patche, Hawa B) to release its first album which could please old fans of Dungen or Kreidler.

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MULCH & Population II

Un nouveau phénomène biologique vient d'être découvert sous le pont Van Horne. Si vous ne connaissez pas l'alcalinisation, l'ionisation, la phosphorylation ou la méthylation, laissez faire, ce qui va suivre est bien plus révolutionnaire. La Mulchulation II, un croisement génétique simple à réaliser, nous laisse imaginer un moyen de survie si, après la guerre, toute l'infrastructure de la musique était détruite.

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Taking his moniker from a Godspeed You! Black Emperor album inscription ("...and these quiet armies will march on..."), Thisquietarmy is the project of Montréal artist Eric Quach, a pioneer of the Canadian experimental music scene. His sci-fi post-apocalyptic musical landscape looms not in destruction, but in the relentless march of optimization. Released on Coup sur Coup, Les Estampes maintains the solid, ambitious formula that defines Thisquietarmy: improvised soundscape sketches, one-takes featuring multiple-textured loops occurring simultaneously, wide frequency ranges, bassy low ends, crisp details, and a meditative aspect that induces a hypnotic state of mind.

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Yoo Doo Right

On the eve of a European tour with Ky Band last spring, the Montreal experimental trio Yoo Doo Right announced their return with their latest EP The Sacred Fuck. Nominated in the long list of the prestigious Polaris Prize for their second album A Murmur, Boundless to the East, released in June 2022, Justin Cober (guitar, synthesizers, vocals), Charles Masson (bass) and John Talbot (drums, percussion) left their mark with their unique sound, skilfully blending elements of krautrock, shoegaze, post-rock and psychedelia to create an atmosphere reminiscent of a car crash in slow motion, looking out to infinity and our own personal flaws.

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